Digital Spectrum

Digital Spectrum Technologies (DST) established itself in the hydroponic and aeroponic sector and has paved the way to begin the Vertical Farm Initiative. By gathering a variety of metrics about the environment, the system calibrates, modifies, and sustains the most optimal conditions to produce the highest yield for that particular crop. Sensors include pH recordings, barometric data, humidity, moisture, ect (see DST: The Building Blocks for Sustainability). Effectively monitoring within an indoor system will log all resources that are accounted for and the plant receives exactly what it needs in order to thrive. Nothing is wasted. Everything is recycled.

Make it stand out.

  • Hardware

    Sensors include pH recordings, barometric data, humidity, moisture, and more.

  • Dashboard

    By gathering a variety of metrics about the environment, the system calibrates, modifies, and sustains the most optimal conditions to produce the highest yield for that particular crop

  • Modules

    Effectively monitoring within an indoor system will log all resources that are accounted for and the plant receives exactly what it needs in order to thrive. Nothing is wasted. Everything is recycled.


Virtual Production - Augmented Reality

